RAJD – Réseau pour Agir en Justice contre les Discriminations
The Network to act in Justice against DiscrimaintioIn France, support for strategic litigation related to discrimination does not exist.
RAJD is a Network of professional experts in questions of discrimination, who work together and in close collaboration with discriminated groups to identify strategic cases and support the fight against discrimination in France.
The Network organises research, team work and support on targeted legal issues in order to advance jurisprudence and facilitate access to rights of victims. The ongoing working groups of The Network organised a seminar at University Paris II with Trans Europe Expert and the support of the Conseil national des Barreaux in April 2023 to present their work on the following issues:
– How to present claims for redress for moral damages,
– Means of evidence of discrimination,
– Personnal data and evidence of discrimination,
– How to use the legal framework of indirect discrimiantion before the courts
– The mapping of cases on damages, evidence , administrative recourse and indirect discrimaintion
– The use of social sciences in evidence before the courts
In addition, The Network organises support to highly strategic cases in order to sustain the legal work necessary to adequately advocate these complex technical litigations.